Sometimes, you make me so mad I wanna throw you into the middle
of oncoming traffic but then i realize i would probably kill myself trying to
save you, and has realized that if I starts to treat everyone in the same way
they treat me, they would probably tell me that my behavior was unacceptable.
I'd go to hell ... like you say, but ... see? I've got this restraining order ... the
devils seems to be afraid that I'm going to take over when I get there!!! Get on
your level? I'm sorry, I cant get that low, how about you come up to mine!
Doesn't know how you can live with yourself with all the damage
you've caused, Your lips keep moving but all I hear is- BLAH, BLAH, BLAH,
BLAH... We don't loose friends . We just figure out who our real ones are,
A true friend is honest and upfront even if the truth hurts but they'll not lie
to you and you can expect no more than that. Sometimes to see the light,
you must first go through a tunnel of darkness.
Is wondering when people will realize they can't hide things -- I know!
What you see is what you get, so don't pull that sour face when I'm forthright,
if you want something sugar coated, eat a doughnut that's the truth... I is
thinking, it is better to be pissed, rather than pissed off! Well most definitely
has an attitude of gratitude these days!! Thank you God for all my blessings!!
I am NOTHING without you! ;D
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