
Sep 29, 2010

Ida Scott Taylor

once wrote: Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is 
gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. 
Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth 

Sep 24, 2010

Who Said?!

"Who does not love his wife ..."
- An expression that is difficult to be heard these days ...
by Gee Zainal 13 hours ago~

If Your husband call you, for example "Darling, Sayang or W.E
it is, that's just a routine for man to show we do love our wife.
And yes, we love you from the first time we start , did he call
you "Sayang or so what ever nick name" he calls after you guy's
meet & again?! I bet he do and you know it... :)

If women doubts about it, that means... women are the
issue, not your man. ha-ha... Because frankly speaking...
I said I've never been in the marriage before but I do have
experience living with women and committed to her, it just
that we not legally or officially married :) and I ♥ her so much,
without said it out loud, just deep inside she knew...

About men is... some of them, they like to keep it low means
kinda a romantic person but having this brutal face, ermm... =P
dalam hati ada taman bak kata: Adnan Sempit. ha-ha....
And some men do like to brag about his women, this.. that..
yeah.. blah.. blah.. blah... and some women like it and they feels
so appreciated when men do that, then twist it -"thinking that this
type of men who's like to brag her women so damn good"
the fact is you know... =)
Some people claim that they are behaving as Muslim, first... by 
living a happy married life. This is not true.... The only fact is that, 
who ever first embraced as a Muslim and have successfully applied 
the principle of love in marriage life....
The man who behaves well in marriage life, is not doing as Muslim, 
but is doing the of God as Muslim is doing in showing perfect 
love towards his masjid that he build.... 

That also apply to a women that we call "wife"... =) 

Don't take our parent for example because sometimes
it could be good or could be bad example to you but we are the 
one who makes the different and change what's around us. :D
For the better generation of your family and mine also...
God knows everything about woman and places everything 
under the care of the men. And God uses the responsibility of caring 
for the wife to test the men to see whether he will love his wife as 
a Soleha that loves him (the husband).

Well... what I'm trying to say is that we as men, men will 
try to be committed to a women of our life and that's part of  
living together as long as it can beside being "gay" or "lesbian"
That's is part of other story of a world... ha-ha....
(lagi pun jodoh & rezeki terletak diatas ketentuan Nya)

The question is... Are you truly find someone that claim as a 
Mr. Right or Mrs. Right at the right time you get married?!
Why just blame us (men)? just not to say or heard the words
of love these days...
"Who does not love his or women so ever" 

P/S: Well in the main point I do believe men sometimes doing some lack 
of saying "I ♥ You" not that often but the true is been kept inside of 
his heart. No Doubt! :) you can leave your post at Live Stream the right section
or comment below and tell me if I'm wrong about it... =)

Sep 20, 2010

Sesuatu Yang Hilang

Pagi ini bertuliskan sepi saja. Seperti hari - hari yang sebelumnya, 
malamku kesiangan. Mata tidak jua lelap. Pagi di sini lebih bernuansakan 
simbol-simbol penanda sunyi. Sunyi yang boleh memecahkan gegendang 
telinga. Sunyi yang menusuk. Sunyi yang berjodohkan malaikat-malaikat 
pencatat adegan kebaikan dan kejahatan dengan ruang-ruang kosong yang 
seakan hadir tanpa pernah bererti apa-apa. Hampa seisi jiwa, 
merentangkan tirai lebar-lebar, menutupi seluruh 
kemampuan tengok mata nyata dan 
mata jiwa.


Gelap dan sunyi.

Tuhan menciptakan jarak yang entah di mana pangkal mula 
dan hujungnya. Begitu jua waktu yang berdetik detik entah berapa 
ekor banyaknya. Ligar sekali otak berputar memikirkan yang bukan 
bukan. Untuk apa? Entah, untuk tetamu malamku gelap dan sunyi, 
barangkali. Malam ini seperti malam malam yang sesudah sebelumnya. 
Satu demi satu pemikiran yang sia sia dilahirkan lantaran gelisah yang 
berpanjangan. Aku hanya bisa mengadukan garukan-garukan gelisah 
ini pada pantulan diriku sendiri. Pada bayang. Dia lebih 
memahami, tanpa perlu bicara.

'Hey, langit!! Luangkanlah waktumu sejenak saja bersamaku. 
Bukan hanya sebatas kau memayungiku setiap hari dengan nuansamu 
yang beragam. Bukan dalam tugas rutinmu sehari-hari. Aku menjatuhkan 
tanda ke arahmu adalah untuk memintamu turun sejenak saja dan 
meluangkan waktumu bersamaku. Kita pergilah ke kafe atau 
sekadar di tilam empukku!’

Aku ingin bertanya sedikit saja pada langit!

Langit mungkin tahu jawapan dari pertanyaan yang berulang 
kali menjajah pikiranku.

Ha, kau tidak faham? Ah lupakan. Kau adalah langit. 
Masakan kau faham.

Dalam hidupku telah banyak peristiwa yang kulalui. Kisah hidup 
yang indah, baik, buruk maupun sedih ataupun kisah yang mengharukan 
bak drama sinetron. Tapi ada sesuatu yang tak mampu ditinggalkan 
dengan tegar jiwa. Sebuah kisah yang menggerus sebahagian sisi 
kehidupanku. Membuatku terhentak dan tersentak dalam satu 
waktu. Membuatku limbung dan linglung dalam satu masa. 
Mengubah setiap jengkal relung sikap dan nuraniku.

Setiap masa yang berganti menyapa hidup, setiap waktu 
yang menghantarkan kedewasaan kepadaku. Tak pernah 
mampu menghapuskannya.

Ya, sesuatu itu telah hilang dariku.

Terakhir kali aku berusaha menyapanya kembali, sang 
arogan berhasil menguasainya, mencampakkan tanpa 
memberi secuil belas kasihan padaku...

Sesuatu itu telah hilang dariku.

Malam ini aku berkabung untuk hilangnya sesuatu itu.

"Yg benar Taufiq Ysl."

Sep 17, 2010

If Only You Know Me.

If a man can be his own fantasy then to only breed in captivity is pointless, 
I've been doing what I like when I like how I like it's joyless, 
Only you know me, 

What a waste of war this peace, 
baby steps and two more sleeps, 
'till I get to say sorry, 
I get hysterical, historicals, of love is just chemicals, 
give us something to stop me, 
Only you know me,
Since you went away, my heart breaks everyday, 
You don't know cos you're not there, 
You simply found the words to make all modern feelings fade away, 
Only you know me, 

I'm doin' fine, and the sun often shines,
 what are you thinking? 
I done bruised up of my mind with this thunderbird wine,
baby, I'm drinking, 
Only you know me, 

Since you went away, my heart breaks everyday, 
You don't know cos you're not there, 
You simply found the words to make all modern feelings fade away, 
Only you know me, 

Only you know me...

Sep 15, 2010

Katherine Anne Porter

once said: There seems to be a kind of order in the universe... 
in the movement of the stars and the turning of the Earth and the 
of the seasons. But human life is almost pure chaos. Everyone 
takes his stance, asserts his own right and feelings, mistaking the 
of others, and his own.

Sep 14, 2010

Bitter Sweet Symphony

Cos' it's a bittersweet symphony this life... 
Trying to make ends meet, you're a slave to the money then you die.
I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down... 
You know the one that takes you to the places where all the pain lives , 
yeah. No change, I can change, I can change, I can change, 
but I'm here in my mould, I am here in my mould. 
But I'm a million different people from one day to the next... 
I can't change my mould, no,no,no,no,no,no,no
Well I never pray, But tonight I'm on my knees, yeah. 
I need to hear some sounds that recognise the pain in me, yeah. 
I let the melody shine, let it cleanze my mind, I feel free now. 
But the airwaves are clean and there's nobody singing to me now. 

No change, I can change, I can change, I can change, 
but I'm here in my mould, I am here in my mould. 
And I'm a million different people from one day to the next,
I can't change my mould, no,no,no,no,no,no,no
(Well have you ever been down?) 
(I can change, I can change...) 

Cos' it's a bittersweet symphony this life. 
Trying to make ends meet, trying to find some money then you die. 
You know I can change, I can change, I can change, 
but I'm here in my mould, I am here in my mould. 
And I'm a million different people from one day to the next. 
I can't change my mould, no,no,no,no,no,no,no
(I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down) 
(I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down) 
(It justs sex and violence melody and silence)
 (Been down) 
(Ever been down)
(Ever been down)been down)

Meninggalkan Cerita ini...

Sep 13, 2010

I'm Heartbreaker !

I don't always eat what is right. Sometimes I eat what is 
left sI'm done showing interest, if you like me, you better 
don't! You truly don't know hard your heart breaks when the one 
you truly love, when you had me then you lost me, now what the fuck 
do you still want from me??! Yeah... I live only in my world that only I 
could understand it and I don't expected anyone to be in here if you 
can't stand it, and don't forget "my awesomeness out 
weights any ones hotness" :)

Sep 12, 2010

Chapter #6 Should I or Should I not?!

 Shouldn't love you...but I do. I shouldn't want you...but I do. 
You make me smile when I'm in the worst situation possible, and 
you make me happy, and for that I thank you. 

 "You only have one life so live it right do what your heart tells you and go for 
that one thing in the world that will make you truly happy"

Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on 
our hearts, and we are never the same. thinks that it is stupid to 
live your life based on what others think, cause then you can never 
be happy, cause nothing will be your choice, and yeah... 
I always wanted everything to stay the same... 
but feelings fade and people change.

The saddest times come from living with regret and 
wishing life will change. True happiness is simply a state of mind, 
letting go and believing in yourself. Waiting for the RIGHT ONE is 
never that EASY.. especially, when the WRONG 

 "When you realise that you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody,
you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."

 It takes time for some people to show their true colours, 
they tell you things you want to hear, show you things you want
 to see, but the truth will out one day,  I wish I could tell instantly 
to you how I feel in such a way that you'll never doubt it... that 
you'll never question it... that you'll never forget it.

But the thing's has end here without a words...

Sep 11, 2010

Hari Raya from Facebook buddies!

from Ted Mraz

from Puteri Balqizs

from Syafiq Abd. Manaf

from Noah

from Aelbow Pictus Captor

from Gee Zainal

from DieDie Agil Azmi Agil

from Qisha Resources

from Syed Hazq

from Shuk Mohthar 

from Azrul Sprinta

from Raven Blue Moon

from Marina Hassan

Thanks for all the wishes and be safe on the trip holiday 
to home town, if we lucky, we will gathering together for open house
 if there's still have chance for all of us :D Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri !

Sep 10, 2010

You're my star!

You fly, with angels wings
You've got my, blood in your veins
And your eyes, see everything
And they shine, like diamond rings

You're my Sunday, make my Monday, come alive
Just like Tuesday, you're a new day, that wakes me up
Wednesday's raining, Thursday's yearning, for Friday nights
Then it all ends, at the weekend, You're my star

At times, I cave right in
But this fight, we have to win
And your songs, you love to sing
May your dreams, forever live
You're my Sunday, make my Monday, come alive
Just like Tuesday, you're a new day, that wakes me up
Wednesday's raining, Thursday's yearning, for Friday nights
Then it all ends, at the weekend, You're my star
You're my star, yes you are

Its a thrill to see your imagination
Just watching you is an education
Whats in your mind is my fascination
It blows my mind and sets my heart racing

You're my Sunday, make my Monday, come alive
Just like Tuesday, you're a new day, that wakes me up
Wednesday's raining, Thursday's yearning, for Friday nights
Then it all ends, at the weekend, You're my star

by Stereophonic.

Sep 8, 2010

Innocent - Stereophonic

 R.I.P - Jenny Spence

I remember walking around the streets at night
I remember people talking about their lives
One of us never made it home that night
Drunk and high got the better of her mind
Jenny died...

The setting sun with music on,
the restless day was gone
You can't see when there´s sun in your eyes..
Your innocent...
You think everything is possible,
And nothings gonna get you ,
Everything is touchable,
Nothings gonna beat you in this life,

Its alright...
Holding hands Drinking cans In the lights,
Summer breeze Feeling free Kissing the first time,
One of us never made it home that night,
Easy love someone said give this stuff a try,
Jenny tried...

The railway bridge the river flowed,
With shallow water down below,
You can't see when there´s sun in your eyes..
Your innocent...
You think everything is possible,
And nothings gonna get you,
Everything is touchable,
Nothings gonna beat you in this life,

Its alright...

The setting sun with music on,
the restless day was gone,
You can't see with the sun in your eyes..
Your innocent...
You think everything is possible,
And nothings gonna get you ,
Everything is touchable,
Nothings gonna beat you in this life,
Everything is possible,
And nothings gonna get you ,
Everything is touchable,
Nothings gonna beat you in this life,

Its alright...

Whoo hoo ho...

Sep 7, 2010

5am Confused!

Wish my life wasn't so complicated right now. Wish I could go 
back to being a little kid when I had no worries in the world... Wants 
to follow my heart, believe that I will follow through, but hears my head 
say I've said these things before and that's how we end up this way!? says 
if you cant be with that person you like ,why do we get feelings for them... 
My mind and my heart seems to have swapped places and now I don't 
know which one to listen too ...Ah I need a break!

"They say life has to get worse before it gets better...but 
I'm starting to wonder if it will ever get better."

Now is standing at the cross roads, actually not just doesn't 
know which path to chose. And I kept thinks that once you think
that everything seems to be going right, it ends up going wrong and
our left confused and want to get it right again, walking away is hard
...but staying is hard too ...watching someone you care about falling
apart is hard...but leaving them to do it all alone is hard too..

"Did you ever sit and wonder to yourself, 
"What the hell just went wrong here?"
Got so many things going on in my mind right now,
don't know where to start. how i wish i could ctrl+alt+del
things that aren't important :) ...when I have a straight face people
think I am sad but when I've a smile they think I am up to something...
Maybe sometimes the things you have to do, are the things you might
regret, but the things you might regret, are the things you never did.

"I've so many questions in his life right now.. 
I wonder if Google would help" :P