pop up the mood on weekend when we need to party!!! And leave all the stress
behind and then you have to collect back on Monday…haha… Normal people will
come out and party every Friday, Saturday and Sunday is a family day :) well...
for those none normal people they party everyday :P well I guess that’s life for
some others people… Everything been prepare at the bar for Saturday night, I
just wait the time to start the party, while the music take it stage to level up the
energy when the club is crowded...
Being a bartender is like been an artist when people calling you for soft of lots
at things, making the best cocktail, doing favor and sometimes its take everything
to handle if you were good at it, is not about making your client drunk like hell is
about how you take care them, obviously I don’t want my client get hurt or die
because she/he drive and drink but the most imported things is about making a
really good connection between them. Busy I’m as usually at the bar and there’s
she goes again asking for glass of a water with the bartender, I saw her for the
second time after the last time I miss my chance to say to her “Hello beautiful”
as my client keep me busy all night I just can’t take my eyes of her cause I like to
see when she smile after the bartender pass to her the water, I guess that is the
smile of relieve after tired be at the dance floor all night long and for that glass of
a water should be just fine :)
Every Saturday is a good day for anyone to having little bit fun at the club with
friends while chilling, dancing, drinking, chat, and listen to music with the best
place you to hang out. But the part that I hate and don’t like is when the last call
at the bar when people come asking me a glass of a water… really?! What’s
really the point?! Are you thirsty?! Does it make you feel better after you get
yourself drunk?! Or maybe it’s just another excuses to stay a bit longer at the
club… just get your ass home where there will be a plenty of water! LOL :D
human… because of that I miss my chance when I notice she not in the club
anymore… damn… to be continue…
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