Last night, I've been remind by a good friend who's died hard fans madly
with Justine Bibeir (LOL =) but in a good ways term... and she post tags
to me and say little things about LOVE = is " Live Once Value Everyday "
then i smile for awhile, it's feels good to having someone could remind you
for your own good thing in your life. Instead of being so damn worry about
what's wrong in your life, try focus on what's right in it. And we should be
thankful for God that everyday when you wake up, you still can spend time
with ones you love.
with Justine Bibeir (LOL =) but in a good ways term... and she post tags
to me and say little things about LOVE = is " Live Once Value Everyday "
then i smile for awhile, it's feels good to having someone could remind you
for your own good thing in your life. Instead of being so damn worry about
what's wrong in your life, try focus on what's right in it. And we should be
thankful for God that everyday when you wake up, you still can spend time
with ones you love.
We only get one life so make it count and don't dwell on what could have
been or what will be. Life's too short to worry about anything but what's
right now, wishing and hoping are useless in life until you learn how to take
action and take control... in my experience... a harmless flirtation is never
just that... Someone always becomes emotionally involved, no matter how
cool they try to act and there comes a time in ones life that you don't care
about things that you have no control over, the truth that takes many of us
years to learn.
been or what will be. Life's too short to worry about anything but what's
right now, wishing and hoping are useless in life until you learn how to take
action and take control... in my experience... a harmless flirtation is never
just that... Someone always becomes emotionally involved, no matter how
cool they try to act and there comes a time in ones life that you don't care
about things that you have no control over, the truth that takes many of us
years to learn.
Too often your loved ones pay the price for what someone else has done
to us many years ago. Deal with your past or it will deal with you, but some
how in life, i am directed to do something, no one else understands and I've
to defend my position, am i right or am i stubborn... =P
"Good intentions are no substitute for good judgment"
for example: What you "WANT" is irrelevant, what you've "CHOSEN" is at
hand. You figure it out yourself. :D A word of wisdom, you should love the
people in your life for those who they are not for who you think they should
to us many years ago. Deal with your past or it will deal with you, but some
how in life, i am directed to do something, no one else understands and I've
to defend my position, am i right or am i stubborn... =P
"Good intentions are no substitute for good judgment"
for example: What you "WANT" is irrelevant, what you've "CHOSEN" is at
hand. You figure it out yourself. :D A word of wisdom, you should love the
people in your life for those who they are not for who you think they should
The strength of the mind isn't the strongest to most but only way to strengthen
mind is to strengthen heart the only way to strength heart is too never give
up, just step into your life with love, faith, and hope, then the rest will work
itself out as you follow that path where you are meant to be on! ;D Just try
live everyday to the fullest. God only gave us one chance on this earth, so it
make the most of every day granted to us...
mind is to strengthen heart the only way to strength heart is too never give
up, just step into your life with love, faith, and hope, then the rest will work
itself out as you follow that path where you are meant to be on! ;D Just try
live everyday to the fullest. God only gave us one chance on this earth, so it
make the most of every day granted to us...
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
If you aren't really happy or joy with the path your taking in life, but you can
always change direction, and one day at a time like this is enough. And don't
look back and grieve over the past for it is gone, do not be troubled about
the future, for it has not yet come. Just a word of advice: Don't do something
behind someones back that you wouldn't want them doing behind your, for
every minute of anger you lose sixty seconds of happiness. So smile big and
enjoy every minute of life! :D And that could be the biggest mistake you could
ever make in life, is fearing that you will make them.
always change direction, and one day at a time like this is enough. And don't
look back and grieve over the past for it is gone, do not be troubled about
the future, for it has not yet come. Just a word of advice: Don't do something
behind someones back that you wouldn't want them doing behind your, for
every minute of anger you lose sixty seconds of happiness. So smile big and
enjoy every minute of life! :D And that could be the biggest mistake you could
ever make in life, is fearing that you will make them.
Loves people that are so quick to point out the flaws of others.. And I wonder
if they'd care to own up to any of their own? well...Intelligent conversation is
great exercise for the mind, but gossip is just exercise for the tongue :P Some
how i think my life will fall apart, in order for things that for me to fall into place.
Expect the worst but hope for the best. Make my wish and I'll make it happen.
Just believe it! Woo Hoo~
if they'd care to own up to any of their own? well...Intelligent conversation is
great exercise for the mind, but gossip is just exercise for the tongue :P Some
how i think my life will fall apart, in order for things that for me to fall into place.
Expect the worst but hope for the best. Make my wish and I'll make it happen.
Just believe it! Woo Hoo~
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