
Jul 10, 2010

Live, Life & Love Chapter #4

Tomorrow is coming and I can't stop it! Yesterday is fading and I can't bring it back! 
Today is all that is for sure so live in the moment, and never regret. I wish whoever 
said "Better days are coming" could have been more specific as to when that would 
be. There's three ways to do things. Maybe the right way, the wrong way and the way 
I want it "done". I think life would be perfect if: ..Some girls had mute buttons; ..Some 
guys had edit buttons; ..Hard times had fast forward buttons; ..And Good times had 
pause buttons =)

Sometimes people forget who they are because they are too busy trying to prove to 
the rest of the world that they are something else. Be thankful for what we have, you 
will end up having more. If you concentrate on what you do not have, you will never, 
ever have enough and try to make the best of every bad situation and take advantage 
of the good. laugh a lot, love unconditionally, live life, and hope for the best. You don't 
have to prove yourself to anyone because the people who know you know the truth 
and love you no matter what mistakes were made in the past.

I am who I am today because of all the things that I've been put through the good and 
the bad. Hence the saying, "Everything happens for a reason." but when it happen in 
term name of love... Love doesn't need to be perfect. It just needs to be true. "The 
longer you wait for something, the more you appreciate it when you get it, because 
anything worth having is definitely worth waiting for" ...but sometimes it end sucks too! 
The saddest Love is to Love someone, to know that they want you and you want them, 
but the circumstances are too complicated for you both to be together. ...Ermmm =]

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