
Jul 18, 2010

To my lil bro & lil sis...

  "Love is a balance of holding on, and letting go."

I know that now you guys in love with your partner so deeply but as your big 
brother I would like to give some advise and who else?! give such this kinda 
topic, I hope you guys can take as a lessons, try to learn from my experiences and 
yes.. I admit I've lost so many time battle myself to find a perfect love but hey.. 
I'm only human who have to try and try for better in myself. And faith is believing in something that sometimes doesn't always seem logical.. It's easy to say, "I love you" 
to someone, but it's more meaningful to thank someone for loving you. Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts, and sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're 
just passing it on to someone else.  

Life is a collection of memories so you guys can remember the past, live in the 
present, and welcome the future with open arms but sometimes life is just about 
rolling down the windows in your car ..blasting your favorite song ..and forgetting 
the world for a while! Never have any regrets. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, 
it's experience. True courage is pursuing your dreams even when no one else believes 
in you but as your brother I'll... But in the same time you guys need to focus on future
dreams either on your own or together with your partner, matter fact is relationship
is long way for you guys to think about where is gonna the end :) trust me!

No matter what people tell you, there is always she/he who wants you more than 
the person who has you, don't settle for less than you deserve. When life veers from 
the course of you guys had planned out, re-evaluate your priorities and maybe you'll 
find that what you have is better than what you had planned. I can say ..people 
always judge but you guess they never heard the saying "Don't start pointing your 
fingers unless your own hands are clean."

"Love is something that is unexplainable to human nature in such a way that two people who have 
never met can end up together forever."

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