
Jan 25, 2011

The Rise of The Phoenix.

I know I am not perfect or do I pretend to be, 
...but I know who I am.
As the glass isn't half full or half empty's just too big! 
Get a smaller glass and then it will be overflowing...
Now that's changing perspective!

Every now and then life needs to be turned upside down 
to get back to the right side up.
And I who has not tasted bitter, 
...knows not what sweet is.
The world is full of negative as well as positive, 
whichever you direct your focus to, shall your world become.

Jan 4, 2011

On the shore

It was what it was... It is what it is...
It will be what it will be...
but it will never be the is that I thought it was.

If you could go back 10-15 years and have the 
opportunity to give your present day self a word of advice, 
what would it have been?