
Jul 30, 2010

Loving You!

"love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. it's not about 
how much love you have in the beginning, but how much love you build till the end.."

by Suxanne Xanna :D

Jul 29, 2010

Cry Life Stonger.

Sometimes you will break down and sometimes you will cry but just remember 
that it's not a sign of weakness, it's a sign that you've been strong for too long. 

"Nothing new will ever enter your life unless you become grateful for 
what you already have"

Life would be so much simpler and happier if people would just be 
honest with who they're instead of hiding behind a wall of fear, ego, pain, 
doubt... Time is precious. Lessons I've learned over the last year were too 
many to remember.. yet.. too hard to forget !! :P

Jul 28, 2010

Just Random.

~ The moment I looked into your eyes I fell in love, every time I look I fall in love 
again, I've looked so many times and gathered so much love 
...I don't know what to do ~

Jul 25, 2010

Dear Liz :)

First I'm sorry I don't know about you at all or about Tobeb much 
either but I do know he has a good heart, well people change in 
time to time and I do believe his doing it for something, a connection 
that make he growing so strong to try and to make a best effort for 
him self and so do I :) I'm not giving a lecture or anything just an 
experience and share a some story that has be some part of my life 
and I'm glad that I and Tobeb were friend. I thinks it's amazing how 
2 random strangers can end up becoming the best of friends! And 
maybe I'll pay him a visit soon :)

Let me tell you something about love but I'm not Dr. Lover or 
Mr. Cupid or maybe a little bit about myself been in love always 
suck. haha ..for me i guess, I use to love someone that close enough 
that I can see her everyday and I've learned something in the past 
all of many relationship I been thru and it end really suck! haha... 

 Yeah blame me, seriously cause..I'm the one who has trouble enough 
with love, It doesn't bother me in the slightest if people don't think 
I'm nice... I don't think I am either! but I'm trying too :P 

But since I know Chickaboom from a far way distance just that we 
just often text MSG with each other I've learn the odd way to fall 
in love for someone that I barely not even see her yet face to face 
just facebook and thru cellphone and i could tell it's amazing but 
thing not work it out as it plan so a bit broken heart but w.t.h 
it's my fault anyway because not pay so attention enough to her. I 
wanna touch her heart again, but if I touch it, it gets broken so I 
want to be alone for now maybe someday she will see that I was 
the one who loved her the most. I don't really get what is with girl 
actually until I realize all a girl really wants, is for someone to 
want her back =]

"So don't be blinded. See me as I really am, I have flaws and sometimes I even sin, 
so pull me from that pedestal, I don't belong there." - what I thought about...

The people you want most are right in front of you. The people you 
need the most are beside you. And the people you love the most 
are holding your hand. Life starts making so much sense when you 
start living for someone else, life gives you the real sense when your 
left alone to live by yourself. It's not what you look like but who you 
are and what you do that makes you seem beautiful in another 
person's eyes. If you're lucky, if you're the luckiest person on this 
entire planet, the person you love decides to love you back. And for 
me there is a reason it's called falling in love... because when you 
fall you feel the pain after you have risen, heal a long time later and 
it might leave a scar.

The points is you guys are still young and why not you guys share 
the moment, while still can and there's nothing to lose it, out the 
world you guys need to discovery and explorer the exited things in 
life being with each others side by side, and if I've the chance to be 
with Chickaboom I definitely take the chance and spend a time to 
get know her well so I can be a better man :] same goes to Tobeb...
p/s: so good luck buddy :D

Jul 24, 2010


The only thing that can stop time is a picture. I thinking a tendency to 
take pictures that end up in scrapbook, maybe... It's amazing that capture 
the moment, take lots of pictures, you can never have enough of them. 

The best memories fade pictures last a lifetime, you can never take 
enough pictures. There are always two people in every picture, the 
photographer and the viewer.

She likes took a picture, everywhere when she think that spot is 
interesting she will take a picture. That is her passion doing something that 
she likes to do rather something that she not, well i also get that influence 
from her and i like it, i mean I've learned something new about others thing 
make people so passion about what they like to in life actually.

Beautiful pictures are developed from negatives in a dark room... So if you 
see darkness in your life be reassured that a beautiful picture is being prepared.
A birth certificate shows that you were born. A death certificate shows that you 
died. Photos show that you lived. 

emotional quote of the day:

I Promise That Someday You'll Regret Losing Me And You'll Think Back And Say 
"Damn... That Girl Really Did Love Me..." 

haha... Yup, that's the true ;D

Jul 22, 2010

Chapter #5 Malaysia - Australia :(

Live, life & love one day at a time forget the past await the future and let the 
present happen. Remember that things happen for a reason. Now she gone back 
to Australia and leave alone but its okay we still get connected by technology that 
been useful for anyone these day "cellphone"! :D

Jul 21, 2010


"Life starts making so much sense when you start living for someone else,
Life gives you the real sense when your left alone to live by yourself"

Jul 20, 2010

Sweet Talker?! Am I?!

"I say.. falling down is not defeat.. 
..defeat is when you refuse to stand up" 

Jul 19, 2010

Ted Thinks...

This is the life we chose, This is the life I lead, They can never 
take this from me.

When you're right, stand up for what you believe in. If I realize 
you're wrong, be honest & admit it. Saying nothing is never the 
right thing to do, that makes you a coward.

The person that talks behind my back better have less bills, 
drama, and better swag than I do. If not, fix your own mess 1st. 

"When it comes to choosing between two evils, I choose the one 
I haven't done before." 

Just remember, science cannot explain all of God's works, but 
God can explain all of science's. 

I loves dogs. They live in the moment and don't care about 
anything except affection and food. They're loyal and happy. 
Humans are just too damn complicated.

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my 
strength lies solely in my tenacity. Dream it. Believe it. Work 
for it. Achieve it.

Is not accepting opinions at this time, try again later, or maybe 
not. Even do... 

When you focus on problems, you will have more problems. When 
you focus on possibilities, you will have more opportunities.

...I'm not perfect, I have made mistakes, but so have you.

QUE PENA TU VIDA. Trailer Oficial. Proximamente

Jul 18, 2010

To my lil bro & lil sis...

  "Love is a balance of holding on, and letting go."

I know that now you guys in love with your partner so deeply but as your big 
brother I would like to give some advise and who else?! give such this kinda 
topic, I hope you guys can take as a lessons, try to learn from my experiences and 
yes.. I admit I've lost so many time battle myself to find a perfect love but hey.. 
I'm only human who have to try and try for better in myself. And faith is believing in something that sometimes doesn't always seem logical.. It's easy to say, "I love you" 
to someone, but it's more meaningful to thank someone for loving you. Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts, and sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're 
just passing it on to someone else.  

Life is a collection of memories so you guys can remember the past, live in the 
present, and welcome the future with open arms but sometimes life is just about 
rolling down the windows in your car ..blasting your favorite song ..and forgetting 
the world for a while! Never have any regrets. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, 
it's experience. True courage is pursuing your dreams even when no one else believes 
in you but as your brother I'll... But in the same time you guys need to focus on future
dreams either on your own or together with your partner, matter fact is relationship
is long way for you guys to think about where is gonna the end :) trust me!

No matter what people tell you, there is always she/he who wants you more than 
the person who has you, don't settle for less than you deserve. When life veers from 
the course of you guys had planned out, re-evaluate your priorities and maybe you'll 
find that what you have is better than what you had planned. I can say ..people 
always judge but you guess they never heard the saying "Don't start pointing your 
fingers unless your own hands are clean."

"Love is something that is unexplainable to human nature in such a way that two people who have 
never met can end up together forever."

Jul 16, 2010

Life Lessons.

A Beautiful Understanding about Life :  

"Your problem is never really YOUR problem, 
your reaction to the problem is really your Problem" :)

I think the greatest risk in life is not taking one. It's how we deal with life is really 
a matter of choice, so choose to be happy. Find joy in the simplest things and see 
beauty in each person you meet. Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, 
not realizing that life is made up of little things, "It takes who you were and where you've been to make you the person you are today." Growing and learning is never 
easy, but the changes make us better people being so strong now ..because things 
will get better. It might be stormy now but it won't rain forever. Keep this in mind.. "Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Hope for tomorrow." Be patient and just let karma do it's thing, never be as negative as it takes over your life and thoughts :)

"Knock Knock" "Who's there?" "Happiness" "Happiness who? 
oh wait! that's right! i forgot all about you, welcome back, come on in,
wipe your feet" LOL :D

Jul 15, 2010

How Awesome Me Crazy!

Why not randomly call someone who matters to you and say "You're Awesome". 
You know what... I am who I am and your not going to change that! So stick that 
in your Juice Box and Suck it! When life gives me lemons I'm so awesome that I 
make apple juice and leave people wondering. "Did I sounds that dude with the 
surf board who act in the Forgetting Sarah Marshall?" ha-ha! Do you know how 
awesome I am? so awesome that my awesomeness is to busy being awesome 
to notice your none - awesomeness. =P

Here is the fact not judge me because you never have and never will know 
every little detail about me that I've the ability to trip over lines on the ground =] 
that's how awesome i am! (knows he's crazy but just doesn't care!) Want to see 
something interesting? Well, it isn't this blog. However, the person in the picture 
below to this blog is interesting, sexy, and awesome.

 "To all of my friends who bother to read my blog. You're awesome!"

Jul 14, 2010

♥ Quotes

"If we are in love, we are making love the whole time, even when we are not."

Jul 11, 2010

España ganó y voy a cumplir mi promesa!

Nunca tuve el valor para decirte cómo me siento así que aquí está. Le gustaba, 
pensé que te amaba, pero me hizo daño sin saberlo. El amor es como un río, 
que ahoga la caña blanda. Así afilados como una navaja, que deja el alma 
sangrando. Feed de hambre, una necesidad de dolor sin fin y yo, dice, siempre 
luchar por lo que uno cree no importa lo que pueda causar problemas, es mejor 
discutir y ser real, entonces sentarse en el banquillo de la vida siendo falso!


Probablemente he encontrado el amor, el amor real, lo ridículo, el consumo de inconvenientes, el tiempo, no puede vivir sin cada otro tipo de amor! Tú me amas, 
pero no puedo estar con ustedes .. Te echo de menos pero no me puede ver ... que 
me quieras pero yo no puedo tenerte .. lo que es un dolor de corazón ...  Y hoy, finalmente me dijo que lo que he tenido ganas de decir durante más tiempo ... y se 
sentía tan bien! Yo sólo esperaba que el mensaje tuvo a través de ...

¡Sí! Todo lo que pienso es que "la muchacha con su Orquídea".

Jul 10, 2010

Live, Life & Love Chapter #4

Tomorrow is coming and I can't stop it! Yesterday is fading and I can't bring it back! 
Today is all that is for sure so live in the moment, and never regret. I wish whoever 
said "Better days are coming" could have been more specific as to when that would 
be. There's three ways to do things. Maybe the right way, the wrong way and the way 
I want it "done". I think life would be perfect if: ..Some girls had mute buttons; ..Some 
guys had edit buttons; ..Hard times had fast forward buttons; ..And Good times had 
pause buttons =)

Sometimes people forget who they are because they are too busy trying to prove to 
the rest of the world that they are something else. Be thankful for what we have, you 
will end up having more. If you concentrate on what you do not have, you will never, 
ever have enough and try to make the best of every bad situation and take advantage 
of the good. laugh a lot, love unconditionally, live life, and hope for the best. You don't 
have to prove yourself to anyone because the people who know you know the truth 
and love you no matter what mistakes were made in the past.

I am who I am today because of all the things that I've been put through the good and 
the bad. Hence the saying, "Everything happens for a reason." but when it happen in 
term name of love... Love doesn't need to be perfect. It just needs to be true. "The 
longer you wait for something, the more you appreciate it when you get it, because 
anything worth having is definitely worth waiting for" ...but sometimes it end sucks too! 
The saddest Love is to Love someone, to know that they want you and you want them, 
but the circumstances are too complicated for you both to be together. ...Ermmm =]

Jul 9, 2010

You Both And I...

and it's okay if you have go away...
just remember the telephones they working both ways,
and if I never ever hear it ring...
if nothing else I'll think the bells inside,
have finally found you someone else and that's okay...
cause I'll remember everything you sang~

Jul 8, 2010

No clue?! either do i...

"Thought for the day" - Think before you speak. Your words could hurt 
someones feelings more than you intended it to.

Jul 7, 2010


How do you stop yourself from falling in love, when you know its useless because 
you've already fallen? I realize the only thing I want in life is to be loved, so does 
every other person. New life goal? make at least one person feel unbelievably loved 
a day... I wondering..If I smiled at you, would you smile back? If I hugged you, would 
you hug me back? If I said I love you, would you say it back? I think every woman 
deserves a man who will look at her each day like she is the most amazing woman 
he's ever laid eyes on. Real love story's never have happy endings cause real love 
story's never end and I think I got it right this time... 

Jul 6, 2010

She and The Orchid

Today i ask few friends who might know about "Can some one give me a 
definition about Orchid + a women?!" =)   

She said: both are delicate...
He said: headache...

"she" kinda not totally agreed what have he said... "He" also have the opinion 
about what "He" say about and i would say... nothing for the moment... lets 
continue this hot conversation... =D

He said: girls gave guys headache.. with PMS, mood swings and other 
complications... (that true... haha...=)

She said: same goes wit guys okay.. give womens heart attack with all the 
scandalous, ego etc..!!! lol.

He said: because girls started it first innit??? they gave us headache ever 24 
days (biologically) and have a rest for a week (with out love) and expecting 
guys to treat them like an angle.. hell NO~

She said: felt offended??! women are like that.. we come with full package.. 
bitter+sweet. "take it or leave it!" :P

He said: not that come in packages or boxes.. its about being rationale towards
human being called male.. we've been treated badly and if we try to make the 
best out of it by having an affair means you guys need to know that you have 
faulty on your side.. lets make it simple.. if you buy a product which have a faulty, you'll returned to the factory.. and if in human being you cant get your bloddy self 
into your mom if your faulty.. just have another one...

"And the things get tide and more tidier then what i thought about the simple 
delicate issue =D and i said: okay maybe i like all the conversation too much =P..."
and i ask individually "how about women best part beside the ugly part" from men side of 
think?? and ask women side of think "what men best appreciate when men notice about it??"

He said: girls best part when they treat guy the way we should be treated with 
love and all.. and if you guys have issues try to talk about it.. not banging on the 
door and keep it to your self.. guys know how to solve things and girls need to 
share.. dont think that your fore head is an LCD tv that can project whats in side 
your brain.. for some reason this is what girls thinks.. and YOU GUYS ARE WRONG! 

"And i: LOL... that's so true... =D I'm with you bro! I've to agreed cause Yes! at 
first your are so delicate and more it become more complicate to fit into the 
delicate situation as for myself side "i say".. others people what they might think,
i don't know much really.. but pretty much its the same result.." then...

She said: wow!! you sound really harsh!! you must be really hurt in your love life!
chill dude... (it meant for me too =P)

He said: I've went to the worse.. be cheated DONE! mom hates me DONE! lose a 
girl to a girl DONE! pasive girlfriend DONE! what else should i get? i've gone thru 
the worse.. and i'm DONE with it! romeo DONE~

Other thing that He said: nak chill kebende nye.. masalah bukannya dari kita 
bro(men).. masalah dari diorang and they just kept blaming it to us(men).. 
EGO tinggi = pompuan(women).. and to cover up depa kata "laki ego tinggi.. 
"cermin tanak plak tgk kat diri sendiri." 

She said: you guys ni kan.. urmm.. speechless den dibuatnye! hahahahaha.. 
anyway, its all about experience that we gone thru.. it's doesn't mean that 
relationship tu crack/broke because of women only.. end of the day, i only 
can say that.. "xda jodoh nak wat camne kan"...

He said: its not about jodoh or what so ever.. it about attitude management.. 
and if you just wanna leave it to jodoh its the same way tak usaha tak dapat.. 
and what i'm trying to say is for some reason girls have their massive ego and 
kept telling people that guys do.. and some times guys have affairs because they 
want to be love.. it's not cheating its seeking for what we've lost...

She said: i think you are not being fair to women.. blaming on us without seeking 
for answer behind what womens did to guys.. soooooo SELFISH! if you keep on 
blaming us.. you never gonna find true love that you been searching for. "so sad!"

He said: it being selfish.. it what i interpreted to girl whom i dated and when 
out.. i've been out with tons of girls giving me lots of description towards girls.. 
no matter malay, english, italian germans or anywhere in the world.. girls are 
still the same.. they always rose up with their mates and listen to them.. and 
never look at guys perspective and hoping that guys will get their perspective 
which they never tried to share with.

She said: that's what women do.. we share our thought and feelings because men 
don't speak women language..understand???!! you want women to look into men perspective but did you ever look into women point of view also? when you having 
a relationship.. you guys must practice policy-give & take, and please don't always 
jump into conclusion...

He said: girls have ego.. enough said! -_-

Thanks to "She" and "He" I've learn from it something that not i imagine about but 
"wth" its what i call Live, Life and Love =) same goes to others i guess...

That's simple delicate to understand =) for me.. and i would said that's quite true 
from my experience these couple month that I've been through with women but not with Orchid.. maybe with Lillis =P hahaha...

So i know "you" reading this before or the way around and i hope you have the guts 
to leave a comment here so i would like to heard from you myself what you have to 
say about it.. And yes it's you... =)

Jul 5, 2010

Chapter #4 You And Me

What day is it?
And in what month
This clock never seemed so alive.
I can't keep up
And I can't back down
I've been losing
So much time.

Cause' it's you and me,
And all other people
With nothing to do,
Nothing to lose,

Cause' it's you and me,
And all other people,
And I don't know why,
I can't keep my eyes off of you.

What other things
That I wanna say
Just aren't coming out right.
I'm tripping on words,
You've got my head spinning
I don't where to go from here.

Cause' it's you and me,
And all other people
With nothing to do,
And nothing to prove

And it's you and me,
And all other people,
And I don't know why,
I can't keep my eyes off of you.

Something about you now,
I can't quite figure out,
Everything she does is beautiful,
Everything she does is right.

Cause' it's you and me,
And all other people
With nothing to do,
Nothing to lose,

And it's you and me,
And all other people,
And I don't know why,
I can't keep my eyes off of you...

and me,
And all other people
With nothing to do,
And nothing to prove

And it's you and me,
And all other people,
And I don't know why,
I can't keep my eyes off of you.

What day is it?
And in what month
This clock never seemed so alive.

Jul 4, 2010

“I wanna be The Sorcerer’s Apprentice”

Forget Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman and screw the Vampires and 
Werewolves. Here come new "THE SORCERER’S" with his new apprentice Ted Mraz together battle against the forces of darkness in modern-day Manhattan. 

And he has just discovered his superpower! he can do fireballs with music to keep 
you dancing according to the type of music also he can read mind too. I wonders why 
only superheroes get to wear their underwear on the outside. If a regular person did, 
they wouldn't be worshiped and admired. They'd be locked up! ha-ha... =P 

If I can start throwing fireballs at my ex-girlfriend I wanted her turn to a 
Blue Hippo, wearing ballet skirt and dancing... that's not so often you can 
see live! ha-ha... You think that's funny? I think that's adorable =D

So prepare yourself for The Sorcerer’s Apprentice as you’ll be going on a 
magical journey with Balthazar Blake and Ted Mraz also the other dude... 

Jul 3, 2010

Dreaming of a broken heart!

Love isn't love 'till you give it a way, each day you find another reason to amaze 
yourself and each day you fall in love with she/he all over again. Many people know 
when they are in love. But how can you be sure? I think it's when you think about 
them when you go to sleep and wake up the next morning smiling. But when people 
walk into your life everyday its up too you whether you walk with them or let them 
walk away, and funny when time goes a lot slower when you miss the one you love 
and too quick when your with them.

"Sing like no ones listening, love like you've never been hurt, dance like no-body's watching, 
and live like its heaven on earth" - Mark Twain

 Life has it turns and some of them are good some are bad but when i met you my 
life took the biggest turn of my life and you changed my world. I used to never care, 
now that i let you go, I'm going back to my old ways...

Jul 2, 2010

I'm not you, I'm not him, I'm not them. I am me!

"When people cut you down or talk behind your back, remember 
they took time out of their pathetic lives, to think about you." 

Thinking that i have no heart but i do love... i have no feelings but i do care... i have no tears but i do cry... I'm not you, I'm not him, I'm not them. I am me! I am "NORMAL" And i would says, if you don't have anything nice to say then just shut up and don't say anything at all, because I've learned one thing at work: Never argue with idiots, they really do take me down to their level and beat me by experience. "No regrets" is really a wise way of thinking and living my life :)

A quote by Woodrow Wilson
"i not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow"

Jul 1, 2010

Moment of you...

Loves to daydream about you...but loves it more to see you 
in front of my face and this will be a perfect moment for me 
and with all the scene make it perfect thought of you :)