
May 29, 2010

If you wanna know...

Men are not all that complex in what their needs, but 
those needs are very intense. Almost all male needs 
are egocentric, meaning he is the center of his universe 
and the relationship. Males need a constant validation 
and support of his power. He communicates physically, through deeds, accomplishments and declarations. 

He wants help primarily only when he asks for it, less 
he be thought unworthy, and or weak. Children and his 
mate/wife are on the periphery to support his success. 
His partner is his support, not his equal. His image is 
most important. 

Men feel their stature and power being whittled away 
by social change.This goes way back biologically on 
the evolutionary track, with the strongest male animals becoming king of the mountain or pack-tending to the procreation and the regeneration of him through his 
progeny. His strength/status and his image are of un-
most importance if he is to have any change at all of 
obtaining and keeping a mate and propagating on his 

Many men have evolved socially, expanding their needs 
to include allowing a spouse or partner to relieve some 
of his burden. He may even participate in relieving some 
of hers. Faithfulness, knowledge that woman he loves 
will never sell him out. Support and submission: it make
assurance that his wife will follow his lead without any questioning every decision he makes, especially in crises. 

Encouragement, sympathy, faith support, understanding 
in good times, but even more in bad times. Importance: 
status and value in giving advice in making plans. Respect, feeling that he is held in high esteem, privately and publicly. 
 A completer, someone to give him input for his decisions, 
quiet admonishment about his flesh patterns, and spiritual 
and moral support. A partner, someone with whom to share
all his life, for life. Manly time, time to be alone and do what 
he wants, time to do some male bonding in sporting or may social endeavors with men without his wife's presence, time 
to be free of responsibilities... some time to escape. 

Sex, a man needs a partner who realizes that men and 
women usually have different sexual desires and needs, 
is willing to attend to his sexual needs, not just hers, lets 
him fantasize and not be jealous about his fantasies or self-explorations, and does not use the denial of sex as retaliation for some misdeed.

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